MATARA Research
Dr Matara Gunapala, PhD (RMIT), MLib (Monash), DipLib (London), BA (Hons)
is a researcher with following aspirations:
- Contribute to human knowledge capital in the areas of performance and economic management in a fast-changing world, and
- Mentor or supervise higher degree research students achieve their educational goals.
By Dr Matara Gunapala
Latest publications
Title: Reviving Sri Lanka: A Journey To Rediscover The Pearl Of The Indian Ocean
Author: Gunapala, Matara (PhD)
Title: Australian University Libraries – Delivering the Paradigm Shift Induced by Ever-Changing Technology.
Author: Gunapala, Matara (PhD)
Title: The complexities of change, leadership and technology in Australian university libraries
Author: Gunapala, Matara (PhD thesis). RMIT University.
Title: Managing Change in University Libraries in the 21st Century: An Australian Perspective
Authors: Gunapala, Matara; Montague, Alan; Reynolds, Sue; Vo-Tran, Huan. (2020).
Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, 69 (2), 191–214.
Title: The leadership of the Australian university library at changing times.
Author: Gunapala, Matara (PhD)